May 13, 2002 |
Mercury Rev
To describe Mercury Rev as quirky is a supreme understatement.
Intent not on nailing any particular sound on this album, they are
rather more interested in playing with a variety of genres. "Meth of
a Rockette's Kick" opens Boces with an incredible 10 minutes
that builds slowly to raucous waves of guitar before pulling back
entirely to a flute and harp interlude that culminates in a jazzy
brass flurry (accompanied by a choir), while "Trickle Down"'s
carefully controlled dementia reminded me heavily of Pere Ubu. In
contrast, "Bronx Cheer" is pure power pop love song, and "Something
for Joey" is similarly accessible. I definitely see the influence of
the Velvet Underground and Sonic Youth in Mercury Rev's extended jams,
and also in their ability to let the chaos completely take over before
pulling it back together into something beautiful.
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